Monday, 29 July 2013

First Day of Exhibition

We focused today about how to think deeper about who we really are, we saw some video clips about teamwork and how every person in a team has a job, not just the people in the limelight. Sam Johnson, the founder of the Student Army, came and spoke to us about how helping isn't necessarily about making money but how every small action helps. We can think about how we can play a part in a change to Christchurch. He talked to us about his travels, the United Nations, and his experiences. We are now thinking about the different projects we might do for Exhibition, we need to open up this opportunity to the people in our community. 
Florencia, Ella S and Georgina.

We played a game that Sam learnt in India, then Sam spoke to us about his experience, we videoed some of the clips here.

Here are the links to some of the videos we watched.

The Voca People

 Chinese Swanlake



  1. Exhibition - such an exciting time! I will be interested to see what sorts of change-making actions you develop. It would be interesting to have links to one or two of the clips that you viewed.
    btw - I love the Student Army - they really helped me after the quakes.

  2. Wow, Year 6! Lucky you. I would love to hear what Sam Johnson has to say about taking action in the community.
    I am really looking forward to hearing what your focus is for exhibition. I can't wait to see what you come up.
    I loved the Voca People clip! Amazing!

    Y6, Do you mind if I add your blog to 8C's blogroll?

    Mrs C-M

    1. Hi Mrs C-M, of course you can add it to the blogroll! Thanks for your comments.

  3. Sounds fun! Can't wait to see what ideas you girls come up with! I bet Sam Johnson was very inspiring and you learnt a lot from him. - Leanne Hodgson

  4. Violette was very excited to tell us all about the talk from Sam Johnson - it sounds like it was most inspiring! Emma Perry

  5. Well done Flori, Ella and Georgina. Your blog entry was very interesting ... I'm looking forward to learning more about Exhibition with the other parents on Friday. Yes, teamwork is very important, and working together means we can achieve even more. - Chanelle Scott (Chloe's Mum)

  6. WOW how lucky to have Sam Johnson to speak to you all, wish I had been there. Can't wait to see the exhibition and what each group presents. Merryn O'Malley.

  7. Sam must have been very inspiring for the girls. I am looking forward to seeing what groups the girls choose and how it comes out. Rachael Fulton

  8. I would have loved to meet Sam. He looks like a very inspiring and interesting person. I didn't realise he had travelled so much and has met so many important people. Rianne Bonnett

  9. Its so exciting doing exhibition I hope you all enjoy what you are doing. In exhibition when I was in year 6 I was in a group of three and we did healthy cakes/baking it was so fun and we learnt lots along the way, Exhibition has really helped me with my personal project hope you enjoy Exhibition.

  10. Hi Year 6,
    I can't wait to see all your exhibition projects, I remember it was so much fun and exciting! I think It really gets you prepared for personal project and a little bit for leadership because you have to show good organisation and team work skills.
    Samantha.H 8B

  11. Good Morning Year 6,

    Wow!!! This looks really fun!!! I never did exhibition because I came in 2012 I saw last years and wished I was here for it. Its also really cool to see that you have started a blog. I am really enjoying learning about exhibition I can't wait to see when it is all finished.


  12. Hi Year 6,

    How luck to have Sam come and speak to you! I remember my first day of exhibition it was very exciting! I can't wait to see your ideas and information! What was one of your favourite piece of information he said?

    Charlotte 8C

  13. Hi year 6's

    It sounds like you are really enjoying exhibition. In exhibition you learn a lot of skills including how to work in a team and also communication skills. I remember doing exhibition in year 6 and it was a lot of fun especially working in a team with other people. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your exhibitions.

    Taylor 8B

  14. Hello year 6, I can't wait to see your Exhibition projects as I remember the fun and challenging times I had doing Exhibition myself. Exhibition is a great way to prepare you for personal project as it develops your responsibility, collaboration and organisation skills. Some tips for Exhibition are: Think outside the box, the more creative the more fun it is for you and all the viewers and do not choose your theme by who is in your group because sure you could be with your friends but it is very boring doing a subject that you are not interested in.
    Emma K 8B

  15. You all are very lucky to meet such an inspirational young man. I am sure you all learnt lots on how you can help our society. CD ( Noah's Dad )
