Thursday, 29 August 2013

Discussions with Justin Muschamp

We arranged a meeting with Justin Muschamp, who is the Head of Sport for Halberg. This is an organisation for children and adults with disabilities. He gave us some ideas about how we can help. His suggestions were playing balloon tennis with the Juniors at Ferndale school. We want to organise a day where we can come in and teach the children some games. We know it is going to be harder for these children to play the games that we play. So our plan is to choose modified games- using balloons instead of tennis balls, or flyswats instead of rackets. We will have to think about challenges like making adjustments for those in a wheel chair, or those that can't talk. We might have to make communication bags so the children can show us what they are feeling. Its important to have a range of activities and be aware of all the different disabilities so we can cater for them.

Do you have any ideas of easy games we could play? Write them on the padlet below!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily here are the ideas from Gaela that we were discussing last night for you to share with the girls. Balloons can be a bit risky as some of the kids can be very sensitive to noise and if one bursts it could be a problem and you would need to source latex free balloons because of allergies. Bean bag hockey may work if not competing against each other but going one at a time. Tug of war, jumping over the rope when it is still on the ground and then when you wriggle it on the ground and maybe tight rope walking with the rope on the ground. Hoops for hulaing, making trains or as targets to throw bean bags in. Not tag or anything with too many instructions or rules to follow. Good luck girls. Nicole
